Defensive & Tactical Handgun Series

Defensive Handgun Series

CCW License/Our CCW Course Must Be Completed Prior To Defensive Handgun 1

Defensive Handgun 1 – Mindset-The Mental Edge – Drawing From Your Holster – Introductory Tactical Reloads
(Advanced Handgun Clinic)
Defensive Handgun 2 – Flashlight Selection (Pros & Cons) – Introductory Tactical Movement – Low Light & No Light Shooting
(Advanced Handgun Clinic)
Defensive Handgun 3 – Tactical Reloads With Gun Malfunctions – Intermediate Tactical Movement
(Advanced Handgun Clinic)
Defensive Handgun 4 – Utilizing Cover, Concealment & Barricades To Your Advantage – Advanced Tactical Movement
(Advanced Handgun Clinic)
Defensive Handgun 5 – Non-Dominant & Dominant – One Handed Shooting
(Advanced Handgun Clinic)

Tactical Handgun Series

Defensive Handguns Series Must Be Completed Prior To Tactical Handgun 1
Tactical Handgun 1 – Putting It All Together Under Stress
(Tactical Handgun Clinic)
Tactical Handgun 2 – Close Quarter Battle I – Defensive Strikes & Tactics – Tactical Movement – Increased Stress
(Tactical Handgun Clinic)
Tactical Handgun 3 – Close Quarter Battle II – Gun Retention & Gun Retrieval – Scenario Shooting Drills Under Stress
(Tactical Handgun Clinic)
Tactical Handgun 4 – Team Movement Training

Outdoor Tactical Series (Handgun & Rifle)

Close Quarter Battle III – Outdoor Tactical Course – Combating Uneven Terrain & Surroundings
(Tactical Handgun Clinic)
 Close Quarter Battle IV – Outdoor Course – Transitioning Between Handgun & Rifle
(Tactical Handgun Clinic)

Email Us For More Information

These courses are designed for Concealed Carry Holders. The Concealed Carry Course on its own is not enough training to teach anyone how to effectively defend themselves with a firearm. Hours of training are needed to ingrain muscle memory, tactical, and defensive options. Thus we have designed a series of 10 consecutive classes (5 Defensive Classes & 5 Tactical Classes) to teach you from the ground up, how to carry your firearm, react and effectively defend yourself if ever called to do so.  Once you have your CCW Permit (or Our CCW Course), you’re eligible to take our Defensive Handgun 1 Course. The courses progress in difficulty and must be taken consecutively.

Advanced Handgun Clinics are very important to take in between each Defensive Handgun Class and Tactical Handgun Clinics may be taken after any Tactical Handgun Class to solidify what you’ve learned before advancing.

Our Defensive and Tactical Handgun Course Series has been designed by Tactical Operators, Military (Special Operations) and Security Contractors with decades of experience to empower you to “Train Like Your Life Depends On It!” We have used our knowledge of “best practices” to create a logical progression of Defensive then Tactical Handguns Series for the Concealed Carry Holder.

Defensive Handgun 1 starts the Concealed Carry Holder off at their own pace with the basics of realistic concealed carry drills. As you progress through the Defensive then Tactical Handgun Series, the course content intensifies, integrating prior course topics with new material and subject matter incorporated into each course. We have taken the best applications of Tactical Training merged with Defensive Tactics to provide the most comprehensive, realistic, training program for any civilian carrying a Concealed Handgun.

Over years of teaching thousands of dedicated clients, our tactics have been tried and proven. We ingrain the importance of muscle memory training and the necessity of taking ownership of your Defensive Tactics so that you can think on your feet and react, if ever placed in a threatening situation.  A few years ago we received a letter from a client who had gone through all our Defensive and Tactical Handgun Training and it was a “Thank You” note. We opened it up and he included a newspaper article of what had happened to him. He was in his car at a stoplight and was approached by two armed attackers attempting to take his car. He instinctively reacted off of his muscle memory that had been ingrained through hours and hours of our training.  He was able to defend himself, he kept his car and he kept his life.

We really do provide “Training Like Your Life Depends On It” not because we want you to be fearful of what may come but quite the opposite. We want you to feel confident, calm and collected that if something bad happens, you know how to react confidently due to hours of realistic-scenario drills through our program. Thus, you can have confidence in your training that you will effectively handle the situation.

None of this is meant to be intimidating. We enjoy teaching these classes to women and men because it provides such a great experience to build a relationship with each person and watch and encourage them as they’re progressing through our training program. We have male and female instructors to put each person at ease. As these classes progress each person feels more confident while moving through the series of courses at their own pace.

Many training companies have copied our material but one of the big differences is that it’s hard to teach something that you’ve never had to utilize in a real-life situation. It’s hard to answer “what if” questions if you’ve never been there or experienced it in real life. Instructors can read all the books that they want, but no book learning can teach you how to react and handle the adrenaline overload.  There are many more tactics that need to be taught rather than just the mechanics of Defensive or Tactical shooting. Having never experienced what it’s like to have your life on the line in a fire fight is something that cannot be taught.  Thankfully our instructors have thrived in that line of work (or we wouldn’t be here today) to put together this realistic Tactical Handgun Curriculum.  Thus, by taking our Defensive and Tactical Handgun Series you’ll be “Taught through Experience” that has been Proven Effective.